Scott "Junior" Ereckson returns with a Q&A Session On YouTube (2024)

hey everybody scott jr Ereckson here

by my books here they are

the unknown model the unknown mongol too

these are the truth this is what really

happened you're gonna love them

by my books on amazon in audio paperback

and kindle or you can buy them off my

personal website and get them personally


these books and listen to the wolf and

the shepherd thank you

wolf get away from those sheep barlocks

you're listening to the wolf and the

shepherd podcast broadcasting from fort

worth in the great state of texas

now get ready for this episode of the

wolf and the shepherd

welcome to this special episode of the

wolf and the shepherd today we have with

us once again scott jr Ereckson scott

super glad you could join us again

happy to be here max


we're going to do things a little bit

differently today than we normally do on

the wolf and the shepherd

we're going to do a q a and i'm going to

do nothing but ask junior these


most of these questions were submitted

in via either email there were some

youtube comments some were comments some

were questions so we've compiled all

these things together and all i'm gonna

do is ask junior your questions and he's

gonna give his answers now one caveat

i'm going to go ahead and mention right

out the bat

i'm not going to interrupt junior that

was one of the biggest comments on the

prior youtube of the first podcast was

why do you keep interrupting him why do

you keep interrupting him well there's

two answers to that number one do you

really think i'm gonna interrupt junior

Ereckson no i'm not i did a terrible job

editing that and chopping up some of the

silence parts and it does sound like i'm

interrupting him so we decided we're

going to do this completely live we're

not going to chop anything up we're not

going to censor anything we're not going

to do any of that you're going to see

just junior and i on this it's gonna be

me asking questions and junior giving

his thoughts so with all that said

junior let's get started so first up

you've written two books have you

planned on writing anything else

actually uh i do i have a plan for a

third book it's a

it's kind of a unique story and uh

i'm gonna go ahead and give everybody a


a little sneak pre preview of this thing


as you guys all know

or if you read the books you know that i

was adopted

at about two weeks old

uh by a good family i mean good parents

good people

uh but i had a quest you know the last

probably 15 years of my life to actually

find out

who uh

my parents were


where i really came from my actual dna

my blood

with the help of and

uh the answer is quite remarkable uh

and uh this story is gonna give more

insight to uh

who i am and why i am the way i am

i post out some pretty unique things so

i'm going to leave that like that

gotcha so uh so there is a third book on

the way very cool yeah it's it i haven't

started yet but it's definitely gonna be

my next one and uh

and it's uh it's gonna happen nice


talking more about kind of books the

next question up since you are an author

do you have any other authors that you

really like

yeah that's easy max billington

yeah right

actually actually when uh i was in the


i was drawn to dean coons uh

i like dean coos books because most of

locations were there right there in

orange county and i was familiar uh with

the areas uh he was talking the streets

the freeways so i felt i had a

kind of a relationship with dean koontz


and i i kind of like liked to read his


well i'm sure dean would like to hear

that so

uh next up is not really a question but

more of a a quote and i've stole this

off of

one of your videos or one of the quotes

off of your video on our youtube channel


i wanted to hear his story about the new

year's party but you interrupted him

once again and went a different

direction what do you have to say about

that did it did i interrupt you do you

have more to tell about the new year's


well you know uh


i was i was active in the club for 32

years so you're talking about 32 new

year's parties i

i can't remember which one they're

talking about uh i'm sure there's a

story behind everyone and

i don't recall you interrupting me on


uh no i don't

got you so uh kind of an aside here

you say you know 32 years in the club

there were 32 new year's parties

was there maybe a

holiday or whatever which was the party

to look forward to because most people

you know new year's is a big deal or st

patrick's day was there like that once a

year maybe party that you always look

forward to that that was the big party

you know when uh

when i was uh

when i was active in my younger years

you know our parties we camped

we got campsites we went to campsites we

partied uh it was none of this hotel

[ __ ] you know you know i've used

i've used a rock for a [ __ ] pillow

before you know it and and and laid

there my own vomit i mean i'm not

complaining that's the way it was we

partied hard and and we didn't have no

beds it was just a party time

and uh

you know i i mean

there was a lot of parties a lot of good

times and and uh it was way different

back then than it is now

got you

all right so uh we had a submission

saying i want to join a motorcycle club

should i and what advice would you give


so what are we talking here are we

talking a writing club or a one percent

club or

i mean i can only assume he's talking to

one percenter right

that's that's what i'm guessing from

this and you know he didn't say writing

club i think if you ask what you know

whether or not i should join a writing

club there's probably something a little

bit wrong with you i'm so let's go with

the angle that he's talking about a you

know one percent or three-piece patch


motorcycle club

okay so look

this is a deal

you're going to join this bike club okay

the first thing is going to happen is

once you get in is you got a full

commitment to the bike club okay so

what's going to happen is you're going

to start distancing

yourself from the ones you love

and they're gonna notice it


okay second of all you got a good chance

of going to prison you want to go to


good chance it happened to me


third of all is you're accountable

for what your brothers do you know they

say i might you're yeah you're your

brother's keeper you're going to be your

brother's keeper and here's the deal you

get a brother and your chapter is a

[ __ ] idiot and he does something


guess who's accessory


take all these into consideration before

you do anything you know what there's a

lot of good times

there is camaraderie

but you know what this sh*t's real the

bad is real what can happen to you is

real so make a decision if you're

willing to sacrifice these things

because you really need to think about

that there's going to be sacrifice

it's just not all

party and riding i mean

there's obligation commitment there's


uh know the whole thing what you're

getting into uh

i hope i gave you some good advice

yeah sounds good

so you said you wrote poetry in prison

do you still write poetry

you know it's been a minute i used to my

mom used to ask for poetry uh

when i sent her a birthday card and um

i did it for my wife you know i kind of

slapped off of that stuff i probably

still need to do it especially for my

mom and my wife but

it's been a minute but uh i still got

some skills there if i have to apply it

yeah that makes sense so i don't

remember junior if i actually asked you

this or not but going back to that

poetry you said you would write poems

for some of the people that were in the

pen with you and you were selling

those poems i don't remember if i asked

you how much the going rate for a junior

ericsson poem was in prison so do you

remember how much you were selling your

poems for yeah that was easy it was two

top ramens

two top ramens yeah i wanted beef i want

[ __ ] beef top ramens i don't want the

chicken [ __ ] beef top ramens two of them

two beef top ramens okay i'm gonna put a

couple of those in the mail to you today

junior and so i expect my poem pretty



oh that's great that's great so all

right one for you'll be a lot of i love

using it yeah yeah there you go well you

know i i can't write poetry so i i need

you to write something my anniversary is

coming up so you know that's what i'm

going to give my wife for our

anniversary he's a poem i can do

something for you there we go i love it

okay uh next up i've seen you on tv and

of course heard you on this podcast

would you ever consider starting your

own podcast

you know i've considered it uh

you know

right now i've got a full-time job

i'd like to retire

maybe next year

if things allow

it might be something i considered maybe

later down the line but

you know i guess there's too many irons

in the fire right now with a job and uh

and uh i'm gonna try to get right into

the book here pretty quick a podcast

might be nice but it's nothing that i

got planned in the near future

okay so you're not saying no though

i'm not saying no you know we've

actually i do have a

another brother uh

that we've discussed doing a podcast

together uh but uh

and we've kind of designed a couple

little things about it but is it in the

near future now it can't be that it's

not that close


i'm sure there's a lot of people that

would want to listen to it so so don't


don't dismiss that idea just yet junior

harley davidson is now making electric


what's junior's take on electric


okay so let me think about that a minute


you know what i'm not one to really

stand in the way of the electric uh

movement as far as vehicles a matter of

fact i've been really thinking about

buying some stocks right now and that

stuff but uh

my concern is this you know

when i'm going down the road and the

hardy's next to me i know it's a hardy

by the sound of the motor you know i


you know everybody said you know loud

pipes saved lives well you know what i

believe that and i think the sound of a


uh is part of the safety feature and

awareness to other vehicles i mean what

are you gonna do go down the freeway

splitting lanes on a silent bike no one

even hears you coming so

am i against them no i mean who's gonna

stay in the way of progress but would i

buy one do i i think they're safe no you

know you got all the odds against you

anyway when you're riding a bike now

you're going to take the sound away

they're not going to see you they hardly

ever see you to begin now they can't

hear you

yeah i totally agree with you on that

that that is kind of my fear with it as

well i mean i i do still have my harley

uh write it from time to time and she's

a loud son of a [ __ ] and

part of that is that loud pipe saved

lives this isn't me trying to rap on the

throttle and show off and do all that

crap i want you to hear me because most

the time you can't see me and i guess

and i said i wasn't gonna do any

opinions but i think you're gonna agree

with me on this one

when you're in the cage when you're in

your regular vehicle and you miss a bike

you almost feel like [ __ ] right you're

like i didn't see that guy

and you think to yourself man that could

have been me you know because i ride a

bike too and i didn't see that guy how

are these people you know in cages

missing all these bikes and i literally

just missed one

i agree 100 you know the thing is in

in california

these guys are [ __ ] splitting lanes

man bam i mean you're going on the road

they're splitting lanes

on these bikes uh most of the time you

can hear them coming which is a

a good feature you know good safety

feature but you have guys splitting

lanes on bikes you can't even hear

you're gonna cut somebody out there's

it's gonna be a mess that's just my


i agree with you yeah we

we share the same opinion on that all

right next up uh you said you and this

is a quote you said you quote did a lot

of damage in the club end quote can you

elaborate on that

i can't elaborate on that

all right works for me

if you could have done it over again

would you have stayed in hawaii

you know what i'll be honest with you

so i went to hawaii when i was uh

a junior in high school

and from the day i got there i [ __ ]

hated it i hated it you know i'm not

bagging on the state of hawaii

but uh you know i got i got plucked from

a high school out here in san diego

put into a high school in hawaii with

all these guys that have grown up



here i was all of a sudden with a bunch

of dudes that

had grown up since grammar school

together all local boys and i wasn't

accepted well

so it wasn't a good experience for me i


you know i was fighting dudes at the

beach i was fighting dudes on the

football fields

you know i was fighting dudes on the way

home from school

and uh

uh after a couple certain things you

know i made the football team i became a

starting guard

uh once they've seen that i was a badass

uh i became one of them

but the process of uh

being accepted wasn't fun you know so

from the day i got there i was plotting

a way to get back to california to the

mainland as they call it



you know hawaii's hawaii it it it's a

it's a it's small

there's not a lot to see you can see it

all in a day two days it's expensive


no i don't regret leaving one bit

so uh follow up to that is hawaii what


like you say mainland americans think it

is we see the commercials of you know

basically the american paradise right

this uh holiday destination a vacation

destination is it really that

you know if you want to go to hawaii my

advice is you know go to the island of

kauai uh it's the jungle isle uh

you know they they shoot movies here i i

think uh uh uh

what's the dinosaur movie oh uh jurassic

park i think jurassic park was shot on

kauai i mean

uh oahu where i lived is you know high


businesses i mean i lived on the

windward side


it's pretty modernized

i mean you know you got all the same

stuff in hawaii you know high-rises

crime hookers i mean it's all the same

stuff in downtown honolulu nothing's

any different so if you're going to go

there go to maui or kauai somewhere you

can enjoy the beaches

the palm trees the coconuts and uh but

prepared be prepared

to bring a good-sized credit card

because you're going to need it over


right yeah it's not cheap not cheap in

fact there's like even tv commercials

where it's like you know this

hamburger's 99 cents but not in alaska

in hawaii and i always picture

everything being just so much more

expensive over there so yeah

so people have said to other people

i've been approached by one percent of

clubs to join so we had one specific

question where this guy's saying he

knows another guy that's saying i've

been approached by one percent of clubs

to join and his actual question is is

that [ __ ]

well you know i can only speak for

myself uh so let me tell you how

i would do it


what i do is if i see somebody that i

think could be


asset to a motorcycle club say my

motorcycle club at the time


i would ask them if they would like to

hang out

come to a party

go for a ride

because you know what i want to get to

know this person

and then what i'm going to do is i'm

going to wait it could take a year year

now i'm going to wait for him to ask me

to prospect i'm not asking anybody to

prospect i'm not asking anybody to join

this club they have to earn that they're

going to ask me they're going to have to

[ __ ] ask me is the way it goes you

know what i might ask you to come around

as a guest

but i'm not going to i'm not going to

offer you a pass you know what you got

to earn that you got to come to me after

you hung around and say hey i'd like to

prospect and then i'm going to

contemplate that and tell you what i

think you're ready that's how that goes

you know if a club comes up and says hey

you want to join my club beware some me


that's my opinion

oh uh

so you made me have like two questions

but i'm just going to stick to the one

you use the term asset i've i've

identified somebody that might be an

asset can you elaborate on the assets

you might be looking for

yes i'm looking for brotherhood i'm

looking for a guy that's got brethren

i'm looking for a guy that ain't gonna

leave me

hanging somewhere if she goes [ __ ]

south you know what i'm saying i'm

looking for a guy right

that that that that if i need a ride

somewhere he's gonna come get me i'm

looking for a guy that if i'm sick he's

gonna call me on the phone i'm looking

for a guy that if i'm hungry he's gonna

invite me to his house to eat if i need

a place to stay buy me to his house to

sleep that's an asset

you know what and if the guy can fight

that's an extra

but i'm looking for a brother first of

all you know what i'm saying

that's what i'm looking for i don't give

a [ __ ] you can be trained to do all the

rest of the other [ __ ] [ __ ] you

know what i'm saying i want somebody

that's got it right [ __ ] here in

their [ __ ] heart a brotherhood and

that's that's an asset

would you agree that can't be taught

the the brotherhood part it's either in

you or it's not

well you know what there's two two

reasons somebody joins the club

they're looking for brotherhood and

they've got it in them right

or they're they're a coward they're

looking for protection


you know what i'm a good judge of

character and the prospect period is to

weed that out

when you say weed that out meaning weed

out whether or not they're a brother

looking for why they want to come in

what it's all about i mean what they

want to do they want to come in and for


for more girlfriends i i don't know what

what they what they're coming for some

kind of a

you know what i want a guy that's going

to come in that wants to be a brother

that wants to offer himself 100 as a

brother brotherhood and that is the main


i'm not looking for nothing else like i

said if the guy can fight and he ain't

and and you know we you don't want no

[ __ ] that's for sure if the guy can

handle himself and he's got all the

brotherhood that's an asset

and that's the kind of people i would

look for

when uh when i was in the club


so i know this one might be touchy and

this was a submitted question so junior

don't get mad at me because i think i

already know some of the answer to this

so so don't scream at me

are clubs really gangs

and why are clubs called gangs


here's what i gotta say to that


a motorcycle club

it's made up of men

okay it's made up of individuals made up

of human beings i mean you're only going

to get what you get

you're not recruiting perfect people

most the guys got issues or they

wouldn't be coming in a bike club anyway


this is what it boils down to

the people where you recruit in your

club is what your club is gonna be okay

uh do i use the word gang i've never

used it and i refuse to use it as a

motorcycle club

but i can see where maybe

some clubs want to recruit a bunch of

gangsters a bunch of a bunch of idiots a

bunch of knuckleheads


i don't know you know personally i think

the gang is phrased or something used by

law enforcement

uh but

you know it

do i refer to a motorcycle club as a

gang no i refuse to do it i think it's

more of a law enforcement term but then

again you know you are who you recruit

you know you want good you got to

recruit good people solid people


you've got to have rules and regulations

you've got to do background checks you

you got to know what you're doing when

you're bringing these people in

and that's and that's what you got to do

got you


back in your day

and once again i'm just quoting what

somebody's saying so back in your day if

you saw someone wearing a support your

local mongols t-shirt in a bar or

wherever you might see them

what would you do

so if i ran into that what i would do is

i would probably buy him another beer

because i bought him the first because i

gave him the [ __ ] shirt

because they ain't getting them shirts

was to come from one of us

so if he's wearing that shirt

he's supporting me i'm supporting him

all right so so that's kind of

interesting that leads me to an extra

question there so you can't just go on

you know amazon and buy a support your

local mongols t-shirt

you're gonna have to get that from a

club member is what you're saying

well well in a real one i guess so let's

put it that way

i keep i keep forgetting that

you know i was in the club 40 years ago

i'm talking about you know when you tell

me this i'm thinking about when i came



i i i guess can you just buy them things

online is that how it is now i mean it

used to be the it used to be the

chapters made them uh

and they they gave them out to friends

and family and

people they like


i don't really

like i said you know when i when i uh

when i was doing my thing mongols

support stickers support shirts they

came from us that's how they got them

and if you were aware when you got them

from us and you know what i'll buy you a


so of course in in this did say back in

your day right so you would have known

it might not have been you

but one of your brothers gave that

person that

and in that definition then you realize


good folk

that's a terrible

word but yeah they're good

i'm gonna go for that hey you know what

back in the day


we needed all the support we could get


it wasn't no it wasn't no [ __ ] cake

walk when i came in you know what it was


it wasn't no game

and uh

like i said anybody wearing a support

shirt that's important uh the mongols

motorcycle club

back in my day i think that was a

question right back in my day

yeah uh if they were wearing that shirt

they were one they were close to us

and i'm more or less connected to

somebody in the chapter almost 100

percent sure if they're wearing that

shirt so uh i would probably know them

if they had that shirt on back in my day

and like i said i'd buy them another


not only that but i'd have their back in

a bar


and they better have mine too if they're

wearing that shirt


so i know you alluded to this a little

bit earlier with the third book


that that one caught me off guard but

this kind of maybe goes into that

question your last name is Ereckson

so were your ancestors vikings



i'm going to give a little there's

another little a little tester

so my heritage

my mother is full-blooded italian

and my father was a

a russian german jew so i'm half italian

half jewish

i'm not norwegian i'm not a viking

Ereckson is my adopted name i'm proud of

the Ereckson name


that's what i go by i'll go buy it my

whole life you know i was raised by

gene erinson genevieve Ereckson and uh

uh i couldn't ask for better parents

oh that's cool so uh with your adopted

parents then

were they

uh descended from vikings

uh no i believe my father

my mother was full-blooded italian my

adopted mother's full-blooded italian

and uh

my father was uh my adopted father was

from texas

and uh i'm not sure with his background

uh our the last name Ereckson er e is a

little different spelling

i know there was uh

some american native in his family um

i believe cherokee


and i'm not really sure really

they were just

where they came from on my dad's side

on my adopted mother's side uh

she was born in north shell new york


and uh she's my adopted mother's italian

as well as my uh biological mother was

full-blooded italian

got you

so uh moving back towards uh mongols

again uh

jesse ventura a name most people

recognize uh has always been said was a

mongol did you ever meet him and what do

you know about

him you know i got to be honest with you

the jesse ventura thing uh he he was in

before my time even though

he came from my area i was a san diego

chapter in 80

and i believe he was either san diego or

south bay chapter which was the same

basically same area

uh my san diego chapter was east county

san diego

and uh south beach after was south

county san diego

uh i'm not sure really what chapter i'm

not sure which one he was in

but uh

by the time i came in he was gone

uh from what i understand

uh he wasn't in for a long time maybe a

couple of years but uh i really can't

comment anything about jesse ventura i

don't know him i know him

as a wrestler

but i really never had a chance to know

him as a brother


you do you believe in god


i i know that is like a yes no question

but uh you know you want to elaborate on

that i mean especially you know i've had

a couple of issues uh you know let me

give uh

i'm not gonna sit here and preach on

tape you know do i believe in organized


not really i'm not really an organized

religion kind of guy but i'm gonna tell

you some experiences i had

you know it seems like every time

i've really needed something and i've

wanted something and i've

been mad enough to get down on my knees

and ask for it i've got it you know let

me give an example


i got a rid of habeas corpus on my last



i got down on my knees after my


all my uh


were exhumed i didn't have any chance

for appeal so he went to rid of habeas

i got down on my knees and i prayed to

god hey you know what i asked him i said

i need some help here

you know i didn't

do the whole [ __ ] thing they said i'm

just getting out here

and i got a reversal on my case and you

know the judge that reversed it said he

hadn't reversed the case in 25 years the

same guy that sends me

and uh i believe it was divine

intervention i mean

how many people do in a 14 year sentence

get a

an overturn on a really habeas corpus


and i prayed and uh it happened and you

know what

i believe that it was a higher power

that did it

uh it doesn't happen


and that's that's my belief on that

so uh to kind of add to that do you see

a lot of that when you go to prison and

you see some people that

maybe were not a god believer or a

christian or you know and you know

choose your flavor christian jew muslim

and they get in that prison situation

and they realize you know i i've got to

have something like a higher power to

help get me through this did did you

experience that among you know the

people that you were in prison with

you know there's there's a couple

different kinds of people you know

there's people that maybe go to the

church to hide

uh there's people that go to church

because you're believers you know i

think on the yard we were on the ark

we all knew which ones were which

and uh

the ones that were true believers


we were accepted as believers and yeah

you know you know who's who why they're

going the reasons

you know i


yeah that makes sense

so uh

a popular question and uh hopefully this

one doesn't surprise you and honestly i

don't know if a man or a woman asked

this question but

how many women have you been with

okay let me count one


three uh you know what


i'm gonna tell you this

i'm happily married

i got respect from my wife she's my

partner she's my life partner and uh

that's something i wouldn't even want to

comment on i i i

that's just something i won't go there

on out of respect for my wife and uh all

the females that are watching this i

i'm not going to comment on that

gotcha perfect so uh

going kind of along those same lines

does the patch

make it easier to get women into bed

well i'm pretty sure we can guarantee

this one's coming from a man right

so does the patch make it easier to get

women into bed


we're good with just a yes on that you

don't want to allow i mean i don't know

how you want me to elaborate on that i i

i don't want to you know i'm just uh

uh something about that

something about that fabric on your back


draws them in and that is uh

that is a fact

so kind of going back to

you know the reasons why people want to

join a club that maybe are the wrong


and you know you talk about that asset

that figuring somebody out

i would imagine there would be a lot of

people that might want to join a club to

put that fabric on their back so they

can try to get women in bed was that

some kind of a vetting thing you know

maybe back in the day where

somebody's coming along and you're

thinking okay this guy's just

hunting women and he wants that patch on

his back and that's really what he's

here for well you know that's what i

said earlier that's what the prospecting

period is about you know we're trying to

i can't say weird because i'm not i'm

not involved with anything right now

with the club you know i i'm just not

involved but when i was doing it

that's what prospect is about you want

to try and find out the guys real reason

for wanting to join this club

and you know like i said you know

there's a there's a myth there's a lot

of drugs there's a lot of women well you

know what maybe back in my day

uh there was a little bit of that going

on i don't think it was to the extent of

what everybody thought it was

uh but

you know does a guy want to join

for the cold beer and and and and and

and the sex

you got to try to figure that out

because uh


we're we're not we're not looking for a

guy like that i'm not looking i wasn't

looking for a guy like that you know

what i'm saying i keep saying we're like

i'm like i said i wasn't looking for a

guy like that



you know that's part of the betting i

guess of it you know you the prosthetic


trying to figure out who these guys are

so uh one question that kind of

just kind of popped into my mind this

isn't on the list uh let's talk about

tattoos okay so

you know you've done this a couple of

times in the video you we can tell

you've got tattoos right

are tattoos necessary to be in a

motorcycle club


you know you you always hear that uh and

this is by the way from my dad there's

only two types of people that get

tattoos and that's bikers and sailors

and my dad was in the navy and he

somehow got out of the navy without

getting a tattoo

but he always told me the only two

people that get tattoos are bikers and

sailors now you got to remember my dad's

85 years old right so that was back in

his day nowadays tattoos are fashionable

you you've got everybody in their

brother gets a tattoo and it's not that

big of a deal but

let's go to back in your day right

was that almost kind of true that it was

bikers and sailors with tattoos and you

know how important are those tattoos to

the biker culture

well you know i think a tattoo is a

representation of what's most important

to the individual you know some guys get

their babies names on them somebody guys

get their wife's name tattooed on their

chest you know i've got my weight my

wife's name tattooed on me


and then

depending on their loyalty to whatever

their loyalties are they they tattoo

their their loyalties whether it be

words or insignias or emblems on their

bodies you know if

i could see where maybe if some guys are

100 loyal to a motorcycle club you know

they're gonna want a tattoo that

that brand

uh of the motorcycle club insignia on to

show their loyalty so


i maybe your dad had a little something

going on that thought yeah i think uh

you know the guys sailors

you know uh

branded their loyalty to the country by

whatever uh you know

by putting the name of their ship on

them or

loyalty to their wives by their names

maybe they thought they weren't coming

back from the service

you know like i guess you know tattoos

represent what you're loyal to i think


and you want to mark them on your body

and show everybody what your loyalties

are i think that's what a tattoo is

so somebody that has you know

what i'm going to guess is a pretty

decent amount of ink

what do you think about this new thing

with the face tattoos i've got to ask

somebody that has tattoos like

you know everybody's getting tattoos on

their face now what what do you think

about that being kind of old school with

the tattoos

well you know what i'm not a face tattoo



you know what i still need to earn a

living for my family you know i just

need to go out in public and uh

i draw enough attention as it is i don't

need any tattoos on my face

um i'm thinking maybe the guy that

tattoo on his face

is uh self-employed or inherited a lot

of money maybe he's not worried about

anything else but

uh me personally i'm not a face tattoo


got you

all right so uh

this next one might

kind of come a little touchy so i'm


do this as

you know

as clear as i i can do it without any

disrespect meant

you were convicted of murder

and of course this is in your books

did you really do it


do you regret doing it

you know i'm gonna tell you

i think about that incident often in my


do i regret taking a human life i do you

know i

uh i wish there was another way around


but at the time it was necessary at the

time it was a necessary thing for the

mongols to do

a necessary thing for me to do


it had to be done it was just necessary

it had to be done so


do i regret taking a life

i do

and and i'm truly sorry about it

do i regret

what happened no i don't

got you uh

i have one last question that uh

we want to ask that uh some people have

shot in some stuff but before i ask that



has there anything

that i've missed is is there anything i

missed that you know maybe

somebody should have shot a question to

you that hadn't been in the books hadn't

been on the podcast hadn't been covered

that you just like say you know hey

i don't know why

no one has asked me this question and

just want to get something out there you

know while you have this platform

you know i

you know i think we're good on the

questions i i'm happy with everything

you know i just want everybody that's

watching this you know i just want to

know that hey

you know

i just want to be honest i'm trying to

be honest with everybody you know my

books have been honest i'm trying to be

honest with everybody

i'm not up here to crack a bunch of

[ __ ] at everybody tell a bunch of

lies i'm going to tell you how it is

this is and and you know what this is

all my opinion

uh my my ex club the the club that i was

in uh


i respect them guys uh i had a lot of

good times but this is my opinion

this is scott junior Ereckson talk and

that's all that's that's it this is not

the mongols this is me talking

and i'm good with the questions i just

hope i answered everybody's questions as

i would answer them

and that's what i'm doing

got you

all right so uh last question

uh so

of course this has nothing to do with

back in your day right this is kind of a

current event current topic and it's

been all over the internet and so

you know i'm just going to ask you and

and you take this how you want to take

it so

according to some sources on the

internet and in the news media and

everything the current uh president i

don't know if it's national or

international president of the mongols

little dave


identified as a federal informant


that is kind of came out in some reddit

posts some you know stuff all over the

internet that you know he's he's been

this informant for a while


your thoughts your comments

you know what dude i'm gonna tell you

right now i'm [ __ ] sick and

[ __ ] tired of people asking me about

this [ __ ] you know what how many times

do i gotta [ __ ] say it i'm tired to

answer it you know what

i don't want to talk about i'm not going

to talk about it


it's something that they need to deal

with i'm sure they can deal with it

their selves

and and and you know what

it's something that i don't want to talk

about and i wish people could ask me

about it okay

i got you uh well with all that said uh

thanks for tuning in to this episode of

the wolf and the shepherd and we will

catch you on the next one


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the wolf and the shepherd podcast

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episode of the wolf and the shepherd

Scott "Junior" Ereckson returns with a Q&A Session On YouTube (2024)


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Author: Duane Harber

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Author information

Name: Duane Harber

Birthday: 1999-10-17

Address: Apt. 404 9899 Magnolia Roads, Port Royceville, ID 78186

Phone: +186911129794335

Job: Human Hospitality Planner

Hobby: Listening to music, Orienteering, Knapping, Dance, Mountain biking, Fishing, Pottery

Introduction: My name is Duane Harber, I am a modern, clever, handsome, fair, agreeable, inexpensive, beautiful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.